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[FS] Desert Eagle is Offline
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Posts: 18
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Fighting For Freedom
Default 10-31-2002, 08:58 PM

The Submarine Hack is a in-game glitch left by the developers of Mohaa. It is easy to do and many items can be spawned into the game, in the end causing the server to crash. I also now know how it is done. Alot of people are looking for a fix for it, perhaps someone will figure out a good fix. I am also looking for away to stop this from happening.

There is one quick fix that will be put into place to at least hamper those who want to do this. The player doing the act will not be moving or will be specating. So starting soon on our server the specator time-limit will be very low along with the inactive player time.

So specators will be dropped along with inactive players very quickly.
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