Originally Posted by "Recycled Spooge":19aa4
Originally Posted by Vance1
This question is mainly saying why dont you beileve in the Christian Religion.
The Bible tells you how to think, and what to believe. You're not left with doing that on your own.
What?!? The Bible doesnt tell you how to think, it tells you how you SHOULD think. It doesnt tell you what to beileve, it tells you what you SHOULD beileve in. Gawd, you make the Bible sound like Nazi Germany or something.......[/quote:19aa4]
And if I SHOULD not do what the Bible tells me and not believe what the Bible tells me I SHOULD believe, I'm guessing that I SHOULD go to hell. Yes, I thought so. I dont agree with Christianity or catholicism on abortion, anticonception, homosexuality, euthanasia, the death penalty...it never ends!! Now do you understand why I don't believe in the christian faith? What I get the biggest kick out of on the JZAM board is that some of them actually think that a catholic is not a christian. ROFL!