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Default 10-31-2002, 09:20 PM

Originally Posted by Vance1
Ok, so how did Jesus feed 5,000 people with 5 loafs of bread and 2 fish (i think thats right) ?? How did he walk on water?? And after he has finished all of God's tasks, how does he ascend up to Heaven? Surely his freinds couldnt help him do that........
Once again, I believe that he existed, but I don't believe in christian mythology and fable. You know, I've once read a story that he got married after he was crucified. People back then were impressed by things, that would not even seem to impress us one bit these days. Imagine if you put a modern day gymnist or an acrobat into that time period. The acrobat would have probably been considered a god too, like hercules, who also existed. oOo:
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