Originally Posted by Innoxx
I am a non-believer because if there was a divine and holy being out there, then why is all this horrible shit happening?
You cant have a reward if there isnt a test. If it was all good and peachy, why would we need a heaven? The horrible shit you are talking about is a test, if it was easy, how could you prove yourself worthy? Who do you respect more, the guys that have things handed to them or the ones that earn it the hard way? The bible talks of the afflictions of jobe and the sacrifices of abraham. Jesus was tested upon the cross and tempted by satan in the desert. These were tests of their faith so that they could prove themselves worthy. These arent just christian concepts. They are shared, under different guises, by many religions - islam, buddism, hindu, judiaism (sp?) and even the some of the animistic religions had these characteristics.
I also tend to agree with some of the anti-religion remarks, but differently than you might think. It is possible to believe in a god and evolution. It is possible to believe in the bible with thinking it is a nonstop factual account. Many on the anti religion establishment tend to point out the failings of fundementalists. I tend to agree with those arguements, but dont make the mistake of applying their beliefs to an entire religion.