Originally Posted by RichardNixon
Oh boy... where to start... you have no trace of any idea what you're talking about but you try to sound as if you actually have a clue. All right:
1: This is not a "hack" (term used by lamers who can't differentiate between hacking & cracking). This is not a modification. This doesn't even go against the EULA because they're simply using an in-game menu. That doesn't even require an .ini editing, for crap's sake. It can be activated with two command line parameters. That's all. Thank the developers for
2: There is no "attack". LOD spawn menu (which they use) is designed for spawning objects. That's its purpose, spawning, not crashing. The fact that it MAY crash a game is because of server configuration, state of the game, etc. It MAY crash the game by lagging but that's not the purpose of spawning an object. So there's not even a malicious intent in it, not to mention actually using anything remotely "illegal" for it.
3: This is not a DoS attack. This is not an attack at all. Their ISP will look at their logs, won't find any port scanning, any packet bombing, nothing malicious. Not a thing, so he will just ignore you. And that's it. All you can do is ban the abusers from your servers. Which is what I did on mine, permbanning their whole IP range, so those with dynamic IPs won't be able to return, either.
Shut the f**k man! Who cares if its illegal or not and who cares if what hes saying is true or not, the point is at least he's trying to stop these idiots from ruining the game, more than youre doing with your bit**ing about details. If youre so knowledgable about these things then why dont you help us to STOP this, or maye you are one of the idiots thats doing it in the first place.
PHEW! Sorry if I went off a bit there everyone, cheaters and game trashers really get me angry. evil: