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Von Meyer and =[DOA]=
=[DOA]=Meat Grinder is Offline
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Default Von Meyer and =[DOA]= - 11-01-2002, 06:31 PM

I've seen a couple posts regarding Von and =[DOA]=. I want to clear some things up. Von decided to leave us. We didn't throw him out. I don't know why he left. I know Von rubbed some people the wrong way and wondered why we would have him in our clan. But Von treated me and his clan-mates with respect. He was loyal to us. And he was a good soldier. He took orders well and always did what we told him. If I told Von to hold a spot, he held it. I could count on him. He communicated well too. He would constantly message the status of combat going on. I watched his messages and had a better grasp of things cuz of it. He also cracked jokes and made us laugh. So, when Von was playing with us, he was part of the team.