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Default 11-01-2002, 08:44 PM

"God" was created by people who knew nothing...they created god's to have hope, and something to believe in. Their message and ideas just grew so strong that it lasted until this day....Most of it makes little sense. And the main thing is that everyone back then did not only know nothing, but they then passed these stories on from town to town, and let these rumors become even more imaginative.

Funny how people could talk to god back in the time of Moses and Abraham, and do all sorts of mysterious and divine things....but we see none of that today...

And what about other religions? Buddhists? Muslims? They believe in other things. Who's right? Are we right? And everything they believe in is lies? So we have a heaven, and when you die God makes sure you're not a muslim or buddhist before letting you into "his" heaven?

I want to believe. I want to go to a heaven. But it just becomes more and more difficult to believe as we become more intelligent.
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