11-02-2002, 09:44 AM
basically partly thanks to you doing that animated avatar thing, i downloaded it and found out abou the AnimMap script. after some experimenting i just adapted it, made 4 seperate tga's with the arrow's moving in each frame. because the tgas are clamped you need to clamp them individually so your shader looks like this:
surfaceparm nolightmap
clampmap textures/hud/zoomoverlay.tga
clampmap textures/hud/zoomoverlay2.tga
clampmap textures/hud/zoomoverlay3.tga
clampmap textures/hud/zoomoverlay4.tga
animmap 5 textures/hud/zoomoverlay.tga textures/hud/zoomoverlay2.tga textures/hud/zoomoverlay3.tga textures/hud/zoomoverlay4.tga
blendFunc blend