11-02-2002, 04:18 PM
Okay, almost there. The only last thing is making the model impervious to weapons so they can be used as cover. Here is an example of the script I'm using for a M3 Halftrack. Unfortunately, you can shoot right through it. Everything else is skookum, but you can't use it for cover.
local.m3 = spawn script_model
local.m3 model "models/vehicles/m3.tik"
local.m3.origin = ( 2070 3714 -253)
local.m3.angles = ( 0 330 0)
local.m3 solid
local.m3 immune bullet
local.m3 immune fast_bullet
local.m3 immune bash
What's wrong with this picture? (or script as the case may be). Do I need to change something in the .tik?