11-02-2002, 06:59 PM
Americans are very good at "revisionist" history.
They won WWI for us. (never mind they coward behind "neutrailty" until 1917... it started in 1914)
They won WWII for us as well. (never mention to a Yank the fact WWII began in September '39 and not as they believe that "date in infamy" Dec 7th 1941)
You see, American's (at least their foreign policy) only pick fights they are certain they can win outright. (they blundered on Veitnam)
In the last 50ish years they have invaded: (or sent military advisors to ensure victory)
El Slavador
Serbia (Yugosloavia et al.)
Lybia (bombed Khadafi's residence)
AMONGST OTHERS!!! (that's just off the top of my head)
If you haven't noticed....Americans have a sort of "self denial" when it comes to the sins of their government. (and i do blame their gov't...not the populus... I DO like the people whilst depising their elected)
For example.... OOOoooOOo Iraq that BAD country has weapons of MASS destruction. So What? So does China (a sworn enemy) and Russia (can't be trusted) and recently in the news... N. Korea.
So how come America isn't starting wars with them?? Gee...maybe because they have no hope in hell of winning unscathed? (discounting N.Korea)
This is NOT an anti-American diatribe. I just call them as I see them.
On another note:... you mention the lack of other allied forces in the game. I mention the fact that EA Games screwed it up once AGAIN! According to EA it was the UNITED NATIONS that fought Hitler and not the Allies. Well I've got news for those historical IDIOTS at EA GAmes. The U.N. wasn't founded until the 1950's.