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priest39 is Offline
Posts: 66
Join Date: Aug 2002
Default 11-03-2002, 06:28 AM

Holly, MiscGuy, you're my heros. oOo:

I see all these foreign players with their various gripes about us Yanks. We're big bullies, or we're "overpaid, oversexed, and over here", biggrin:
and I'm not sure if they're subconciously resentful, or just ignorant. Either that or it might be that some people are brought up with a inbred opinion of certain other peoples. I for instance have an irrational dislike for Russians, even though most of the Russians I have met have been quite nice and have never tried to steal and copy my technology. ed: But a poor opinion has been bred into me from growing up American in the 70's and especially the 80's.
The French seem to hate everyone despite the fact that they've had their bacon out of the fire two times this century, ( not including the resistance fighters who fought and died for their country.)

Anyway, enough putting my foot in my mouth. My points are thus:

1. Everyone hates us Americans and says that we're Imperialist bullies. Yet when theres a problem, the turn to us. When they don't have, they stick their hand out to us. Then they turn their noses up at us and condemn us for taking so long. Or they tax us on the aid we send. Typical.

2. What was the name of this game again? Oh, yes, I remember, Medal of Honor. That would be after the Congressional Medal of Honor, right? Hey, GI Jerk, how many CMH's has Canada given out? None? Why's that? Oh, maybe because it's an American award? Hmmmm.

So you're playing a game made by an American company, named after an American award, exported to you from America and bought through a capitalistic free market system driven by America. Hmmm. Odd that. I wonder why it's about Americans?
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