11-04-2002, 04:34 PM
Nice one, Pest. Hey Joey, why don't you tell me where Britain would have been without the Lend/ Lease Act? Eh?
It's a shame that the voice of all those posts pointing out and commending the cooperation of the Allies are drowned out by the shouts of a few ignorant jingoist buffoons.
And to Surgeon, your opinion is well stated. But with all due respect, sir, I feel that someone has to police, and the U.N. has shown that it is staffed by the dove's, (or as I tend to think of them, the sheep.)
It would seem that even only a year after 9/11, the world, (not including Britain, ) expects us to buck up and get past the fact that so many people died. Is it because they were arrogant American's and they deserved it? I believe that if the dogs of the world, ( and I use that term in a good way), were allowed to do their job, we wouldn't have such worries.
The British Empire had it wrong, unfortunately. I feel that we at least want to try to get it right, otherwise there would be no diplomacy at all. ( also the stakes are a lot higher.) As well as the fact, as someone said before, American soldiers go home.
The U.N. as sheep will sit there, as people die, and try to rationalize with the wolves. I say let the guarddogs of the world, (i.e. the U.S. and Britain,) do their work.
And lastly, a quick question on history. Can anyone tell me why the hijackings and hostage takings that were so abundant in the 70's and 80's stopped? Could it be that we stopped talking and started killing the bastards? Hmm. That's not very diplomatic hake:
Yeah, it's not, but it worked.