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priest39 is Offline
Posts: 66
Join Date: Aug 2002
Default 11-05-2002, 05:35 AM

You got me there on the Lend/Lease. We did use it to get back all of Britain's assets in America, and then some. I can't make excuses for the politicians of my country. Even the good ones, (I can count them on one hand,) were right proper bastards.

As for killing them, I was referring to the SAS, the Germans (what are they called? the gerschwimminderfroggy, I can never remember biggrin: ), and even the Israeli's. Our SF's didn't have much to do with it above board. Desert One was nice in theory, but that was all.

So, I can't argue on the greed part. I have no defense for my government except to say, 'who isn't nowadays?'
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