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i hate shotguns
-IVY- capt. MOTF is Offline
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Default i hate shotguns - 11-05-2002, 12:24 PM

when i'm playing MOH, there is nothing that makes me as mad as shotguns do. why dont u guys learn how to aim!!!! its not that hard to use a shotty, it only shoots like 20 pellets out at once in a gigantic spray. rockets on the other hand, dont get me that steamed, cause soldiers actually used them on the battlefield. rocket guys are easy to kill and they wind up blowing them selves up eventuall so who cares? shottys are for people who cant aim. EA shouldnt have allowed shottys for MP, it ruins a good game. now-a-days, your lucky if you can go into a server w/ out shotguns. i use all weapons except shottys and rockets, because i want a challenge and i actually have to practice. ending this with a few words: SHOTGUNS ARE FOR PUSSIES!!! YOU ALL SUCK!!! (truth hurts)
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