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Re: my SUPER computer (soon)
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Default Re: my SUPER computer (soon) - 11-05-2002, 10:32 PM

Originally Posted by 1080jibber
i know im missing something but i mostly need help with the *cpu, mobo, and ram*
cpu > I'd go with an AMD Athlon Xp 2800+ It runs at 2.25Ghz but is the equivelant of a pentium's not out yet though...will be soon

mobo> Abit Nforce2..or the Epox 8k5a3+

ram> I'd get some Samsung DDR PC3500 ram -drools-

fans> this is a toughie...depends on what your going for....I have two 80mm thermaltake fans in the back for exaust, two 80mm themaltake fans on the front for intake, an 80mm enermax fan on the side for intake and one 120mm enermax fan on the top for exaust. I also have a thermaltake crystal orb in place of my motherboard fan and a thermaltake volcano 7+ for my processor heatsink and fan. My case is literally cold to touch but there is a price to pay. it's loud. If you don't plan on overclocking I'd recommend getting some thermaltake smart fans. They're not loud and won't run any faster than they have to. If you really wanna go hardcore and have no noise check out watercooling. You can DIYS or buy a predone case...I'm thinking the thermaltake case looks nice. ... riusII.htm

cases> thermaltake is coming out with some nice cases...I prefer lian li though. They're a little pricey but they're made out of aluminum so they look good, are light and have great heat could also check out antec and chieftec..they make quality cases as well.

uhmm..if i missed anything let me know and i'll try to help you out. if you need anymore info feel free to reply to this or send me a pm.

edit: make sure you get a good power many people cheap out on it without realising how important it is...get a brand name PSU (it does matter) and make sure you get at least 450w if not higher.

oh yeah, i recommend Maxtor harddrives. If you get the epox board it comes with RAID so you could get dual 120Gb harddrives and raid them. much much much faster
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