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Default 11-06-2002, 08:48 AM

I think cheating adds another level to the game; giving skilled programmers a chance to contribute to the success or failure of a game.

Most programmers wont admit it, but they love the fact that cheaters exist, it allows them to play the 'hero' and do good for the community; which isn't a bad thing, but an integral part of a programmer's gaming lifestyle now.

I for one enjoy learning the ways 'cheaters' have found to exploit an application.

Of course, I'm mainly speaking about people who develop cheats in the previous line; not so much those who use other people's programs.

Love them or hate them they are here to stay, and the 'anti-cheaters' will never win; perhaps they will surpass the cheaters at some point, but the ingenuity of cheaters always seems to over-come all obstacles.

(In response to any future replies which may follow: No I don't cheat; Yes I do program; No I don't mind playing on servers with cheaters; Yes I think they should be permitted on public servers (with the exception of clan matches))
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