Re: my SUPER computer (soon) -
11-06-2002, 03:52 PM
[quote:9c164]1.) intel or amd, (i have never used or seen a AMD machine so i really need help with this one)!!!!!
2.)how fast the cpu should be (like go all out and spend the big bucks on a new 2.8gighz or go for a much cheaper 2.?gighz)
3.)MOBO, should i get a combo, or buy it seperate. (and what kind of mobo)
4.)RAM, now there is so many different kind of ram like DDR,RD,SD, (i dont know much about RAM so i will need help big time on that too, ill be going for 1gig too.)
5.)i will need a DVD-R and CD-R too but thats easy to get, just have too find a cheap one.
6.)FAN's i know nothing about them but i hear some fans are better than others
7.)moniter, mouse,keyboard, 3.5inchdiisk drive thats easy crap too get
8.)video card is easy one too (ATI RADEON 9700) *im a ATI lover*
9.)a case any good cases on the internet that i could buy?[/quote:9c164]
AMD Athlon processor: you can invest a moderate amount in a 2.5ghz, if
such a processor speed exists because your video card will be doing most
of the stuff needed anyway. I would recommend the best motherboard you
can find (check reviews for amd motherboards on the net) because it will
be your computer's backbone. DDR (double density random access mem)
is the way to go: I suggest at least 512 megs; 1024megs (a gig) would be
optimal. Get a CD-RW, obviously, but make sure it has burn-proof tech.
Get a set of extra fans and put them in your box to ensure proper cooling
of your hardware. As for the case, well... just get a big one: your fingers
will thank you for the extra space ;-)