11-07-2002, 08:48 PM
[quote:151d2]Lol. This I know. DDR is still a waste of money right now in my opinion. I mean, it's this whole sub-culture where "faster" is better and absolutely needed. I mean you're gonna see guys go out and spend 400-500 dollars on the new nVidia card. FOR WHAT! So they can get an extra 300 points on their 3DMARK score. That, in my frugal mind, is fucking sick. I cannot understand why a casual gamer needs anything (at the moment) over 1.5gigs of CPU speed, 512megs of ram, and a 64mb DDR video card. [/quote:151d2]
You want to know what's fucking sick ? Perpetual upgrading by twisted
companies looking to cash in on the morons who still think we have nothing
better than 2.whatever GHZ machines. Nigga please, the military had that
shit 10 years ago :P
The only argument I can find is "what to do with the hardware when the
poor programmers have it..." ? Think consoles: a year later, things aren't
so bad, are they ? ;-)
Also, if the military found a way to use the new hardware, so can the
"standard" programmer.
Perpetual upgrade, I stab at thee !
EDIT (joke): I want my holodeck!!! cry: