11-08-2002, 05:32 AM
fucking idiots that host servers from home and all it does is lag and wastes everyones time. also clans that host awesome servers, but 10 outta 14 slots are passworded. wtf is that... leave 2 passworded and when u need room just get someone that has rcon to kcik people out for room. also i hate rocket noobs like wtf.... learn to use a gun. i also hate fucking stuck up jock type assholes that think their better than everyone else, and if ur different from them your "a fag". fuck them, i also hate all these kids that think being punk is cool, and all the major corperations and music stations that seem to suport this statement. i also hate the closed mindedness of people... "omg fuck u ni**er" and "stupid jew". im neither of these but what does it matter. fucking assholes i hate them all. also stereotypical asses. u say one thing and all of a sudden their whole opinon is based of that one thing. oh yeah i do drugs - omg this kid is just a burn out with no ambition in life... just another stupid skater. and i fucking hate people that think their so mature, and better than everyone for it. i also hate myself, and all the contrictions i have in my life. fuck everything