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Default 11-09-2002, 03:28 AM

OMG! Spearhead am ghey!
Heres some things i need to get off my chest.
1. Rocketlaucnher = Well balanced, its great now. No complaints.

2. Grenadelauncher = Noobs replacement for the rocket.
I was in a 20 player server for about an hour, every single axis was using the grenade launcher. This is terrible, i was so pleased with how the rocket had been alterd, and EA (Or who ever devolped it) go and throw in another weapon for us to get our nickers in a twist over.

3. Not sure if the server i was on was running high speed, or real mode. But i woudl assume it was, as the game is now faster, you jump a little higher and you die alot quiker.
IM very anoyed about this, if they were going to alter MOH from its original playability i would have like to have that informaiton told to me earlier so i can go back to my local EB and get my pre-order money back.

4. Where is the ban weapon option? This was a big selling point for SH, and being an admin for two ISP's MOH servers, i was hoping this would be an asnwer to alot of the spamage issues online.

5. Somehitng i would like to inform other poeple running servers of. Faster speed+Real mode+Delayed respawn = Very anoyed players

Most of us in the Aus clan community decided SH would either make or break MOH for us. It has indeed broken it....
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