11-09-2002, 08:59 AM
Here is my rant that I posted somewhere else:
I started my own server and it seemed fine. 1024x768, everything on medium. Got 50-30 FPS through out both maps. I lagged a bit more by the sub but thats all. My new fav weapon is the german rifle that you can load a nad into. Hehe great shit . Take out people at long distance. If a group come your way, nuke em. I didn't really like the sten that much. Seemed just the same thing as the thompson. The LeEnfield is a really cool gun. 10 round clip, bolt action, can bash with it. Its perfect for someone wanting to perfect their aiming. The new timed nades are also very nice. Just hold it for a few seconds and let go. Smoke nades were pretty usless to me. The G43 was a very nice addtion to the axis arsonal. Though its semi auto it only fires as fast a bolt action rifle...... As for the maps they are very nicely put together with great lighting. The TDM map have some destructable spot and some mounted MG42s and mortors. I was hoping to use a portable MG but oh well... Thats my demo rant. Hope you all enjoyed it.[/quote:76f1b]