Originally Posted by Gerard
Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one. I could post links to laods of positive comments but that doesn't prove much and neither did those you posted.
Why the hell doesnt it, man you seem just like EA, wtf they give us no freaking support what so ever, go and change the games whole freaking gameplay and all you can say is some shit like that, please man. Be realistic, EA sucks. The models for the weapons suck, the SDK will suck and their support sucks. Oh yea I forgot thats my opinion, but you need to look at the facts. N no im not going to argue because its just a game and EA likes shit like this going on in the community.
Really its cool if you like the game, but thats not my point that everyone has opinions and all that bull, point is EA sucks and they dont do shit for the community. I just wanted to post some things so others can see how others feel and post their opinion. Because we the community have a right to express it and maybe for once EA needs to look at it.