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Complaint Reports
Recycled Spooge is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Hitler's Magic Barn
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Default Complaint Reports - 11-09-2002, 03:36 PM

In order for the moderators to get tighter control of the Off Topic section of the forum, and for the moderators to be more "just", I have invented this section so that the forum "commoners" can help the moderators. If one in the forum sees someone braking the forum rules, this person may complaint or rant about that given person in this thread.

The rules of this thread are as follows:
1. One must give the USERNAME of the given person.
2. One must give the EXACT NUMBER of the rule that is broken by the given person. The number must be taken from the "FORUM RULES" posted by Ballistic Wookie.
3. One must give reasons how the given person is braking that rule.
4. One must provide LINKS TO THE ACTUAL THREADS where that rule is broken.
5. All posts not given in this format will be ignored. Everything must be very uniform.
Format being:
1. Username
2: # of Rule
3: Reason why rule is broken
4:Link to thread
6. If one does not want to post the rant here: please Private Message me. Same format applies in the Private Message.
7. One can also post a link to a thread if EVERYONE is out of control.
8. One must also provide reasons why the thread must be closed.
Format being:
1. Link to thread
2. Reason why the thread should be closed
8. All posts about threads not given in this format will be ignored. Everything must be very uniform.
9. ***Do not post technical problems on this thread. If one has technical problem, one should email Badscript.***

So what is the general reason for this?:
1. If given person is cought doing naughty things many times-you will have the honor of me emailing Badscript about banning this person. Great, no?
2. A thread will be closed.
3. You will get a reply from me, or other mods if they choose to, on this thread, that your accusation is unjust.

Anyway, this is a fun little sociological experiment I'm doing. If the other mods want to play as judges too, what the hell, you're all welcome too.

Hopefully this will help!
