11-09-2002, 08:46 PM
Hell i got no problem with the fast run... I mean dang I play ut 2003 now and then... so that aint an issue with me. but when you've been playing mohaa since it was released you get used to the mohaa speed so it was a little weird playing the spearhead demo in the beginning but now I am getting the hang of handling close range fighting without going "dang that dude just flew by me" lol.... man those smoke nades rock! I like the lean but can't move/lean feature.. that is badass...I never really cared for players moving and leaning cause I've done it myself at times in hectic situations but I'm glad they changed the way leaning works...thumbs up! Gotta admit it though.. this demo play reminds me a lot of RTCW speed. I guess more servers are running the faster mode than the original.
Malta - campwhores abound!