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I hate the voting system
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Default I hate the voting system - 11-10-2002, 05:59 AM

Don't get me wrong the voting system is a great but people will just play around with it or not use at all .I would know because i play a lot of SOF2 and that had a great mp and a voting system but what usually on a server that has the voting system on is:

No one votes off team killers and when they try not enough people vote to kick him
When to guys are having an arguement on a game they will try vote each other off but again no enough people vote and they continue argueing
People always try and vote of campers when camping is part of the game
There is always a couple of people who are not satisfied with playing on a map so they vote to change the map which is fine unless they keep calling votes every 5mins to change the map and when they finally get their map some other idiot starts voting for a differment map

So basically the voting system is going to ruin mp
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