11-10-2002, 02:43 PM
Yeah, I see your point. But I was just in a game where all the axis were either using that or rockets. Gets kinda anoying when you go out in the open to run for an objective and you get pelted with 10 of these things. I don't really mind nades but the fact that it explodes on impact is shitty for me.
I guess its ok to use it. What I truly hate is the kamakizi guys who run up to you and shoot you with it from 2 feet away and blow themselves up too. These guys have no skill whatsoever.
So I gues i'm one of those complainers. I don't think this weapon will die off like the rockets because it has the rifle with it. Well at least most of those who use it won't beable to hit me with the rifle when they run out of grenades.