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Default 08-13-2001, 03:05 AM

"There is not one piece of hard evidence to show that the JS3 saw combat in WW2, so talking about it in terms of WW2 tanks, is useless."

Some say it did see service, and that is why I said it was under despute. Regardless, it WAS produced DURING WW2, so it should be considered in this.

"The JS line of tanks, however, do suffer from the same drawbacks I stated above. The JS line was also produced in nowhere near the same numbers that the T-34 line was."

I'm not saying it didn't suffer from those same draw-backs, I'm saying it suffered to a lesser degree.

"The T-34 was the main battle tank, and the JS line was used in the support role, for good reason."

And it is a BETTER example of a support (Heavy) tank, I'm not saying it is the
"Invincible Commie Cannon Mobile (TM)". I'm just stating that it is a better example of a Heavy tank, then the Tiger.

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