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Default 11-11-2002, 06:08 AM

From what ive read in this thread either the bullshit is flying well or you all are on some sort of hallucinogenic drug, or you're on bad connections.

The rifles in spearhead in terms of accuracey are NO different to what they were in allied assault. The only real difference is they are more likely to kill in one hit especially in realism mode. Ive been using mainly the mosin nagant and the ppsh for most of the weekend and i can safely say the weapons have been improved for the better.

In allied assault sub machinegun kills over any kind of distance were rare to say the least. In this however its now possible to kill people over longer distances, there is no way in friggin HELL someone is gonna take a full ppsh magazine and then just turn and shoot you. He must have been warping about because of lag or possibly you were, if your frame rate was 20fps then him on the screen could have dipped it even further causing jerky frame rate meaning you were firing probably everywhere but the actual spot where the target was.

I really have to laugh because this reminds me so much of day of defeats community. Everytime a new revision of that mod comes out people are complaining about weapons that havn't even been altered in any way since the last revision. One of the dod team was quoted as saying, "sometimes i think we could just change the firing sound for a weapon and people would say its not as accurate or as powerful". Oddly enough that quote fits this situation.

In my opinion people are looking for flaws that aren't there in spearhead. We have only played the demo which was laggy but then again so was the stalingrad demo almost a year ago. People need to base their opinions off the FULL game and not some demo which has a load of stuff missing from it.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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