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Default 11-12-2002, 10:13 AM

I sure do hope the single player is worth $35. The multiplayer isnt worth any more than $5 dollars. Who really cares about mortars (set up in the dumbest places) or portable mg42s? Those are just cheap parlor tricks. The new skins and new guns are mildly amusing, but nothing the modding community couldnt have done if they had the resources. The only worthwhile things I have seen is the "fast run" option and the smoother jumping code. You can still get hung up in SH, but its much improved over the gimpy feel of AA. The maps they released suck, especially malta. I hate dark, hazy, rainy maps, and then they make them linear with cheesy spawns so you have a half mile jog to the action. The vote function is kindof cool, but I can see that getting abused and annoying real quick.

Who is fooled by EA's theory of darker=higher quality? I downloaded SH and have played it off and on over the weekend, but I keep find my self going getting bored and going back to AA.

I wouldnt sweat the realism mod too much, there will be mods out the first week after SH is released.

I am probably still going to buy the game, but the demo is unimpressive to say the least.
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