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carlpenn is Offline
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Posts: 18
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: UK
Default 11-12-2002, 10:41 AM

ok i tried what it says in there ............but my mg42 is still inactive?

here is my script..............where is it wrong?

exec global/ai.scr

level waittill prespawn


$player item weapons/colt45.tik
$player item weapons/m1_garand.tik
$player item weapons/bar.tik
$player item weapons/m2frag_grenade_SP_start.tik
$player ammo pistol 200
$player ammo rifle 200
$player ammo mg 500
$player ammo grenade 10

$player stufftext"tmstart sound/music/mus_17a_mystery.mp3"

thread mg_targeting $mg42_1

exec global/friendly.scr

level waittill spawn


$mg42_1 thread global/mg42_active.scr::mg42 1024

level.friendly1 thread global/friendly.scr::friendlythink
level.friendly1.friendtype = 1 //toggle this to -1 to shut down following
level.friendly1.distance = 64

level.friendly2 thread global/friendly.scr::friendlythink
level.friendly2.friendtype = 1 //toggle this to -1 to shut down following
level.friendly2.distance = 64

level.friendly3 thread global/friendly.scr::friendlythink
level.friendly3.friendtype = 1 //toggle this to -1 to shut down following
level.friendly3.distance = 64

level.friendly4 thread global/friendly.scr::friendlythink
level.friendly4.friendtype = 1 //toggle this to -1 to shut down following
level.friendly4.distance = 64

level.friendly4 thread global/friendly.scr::friendlythink
level.friendly4.friendtype = 1 //toggle this to -1 to shut down following
level.friendly4.distance = 64

level.friendly5 thread global/friendly.scr::friendlythink
level.friendly5.friendtype = 1 //toggle this to -1 to shut down following
level.friendly5.distance = 64

Is that ok or net?
how do i precache the german mg42 gunner?
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