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Cpl_Punishment is Offline
Posts: 60
Join Date: Mar 2002
Default 11-12-2002, 01:11 PM

Yep I was one of a few who have also complained about the irregular speed at which player models seemed to move in the Demo... Well in about an hour I'll be buying MOHS, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt till then... Hahah I couldn't believe it.. they fixed the rifle so it would actually KILL with a single shot, only to turn around and make the players go twcie as fast, thus making the rifle once again useless! Grrrr!

As far as all that jumping and zig zagging about, It's done little in the past to save players me! :P Plus the fact if they pull that stunt now, you can just club them with yer rifle! The leaning crap was my pet-peeve! I hated that gay crap when people would bind their lean and strafe keys together. Thank goodness EA fixed that....

OH YEAH!! Sorry to wander off topic a bit here, but just wanted to thank the guys at EA for fixing the Team-Killing problem... Now any knob who team kills too many times gets the boot! Only drawback is the Team-Killers can just re-login... should have put a limit on the number of times a team killer could re-login before being banned (after being booted so many times for team killing)

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