Newbie Map maker question... -
11-12-2002, 02:43 PM
Hello, I'm having a little bit of a problem. I'm trying to use the mohradiant utility to create a new map but am confused about the directory structure. I'm reading that there needs to be a \maps subfolder under MOHAA, with \dm and \obj subfolders within the \maps folder. Were these directories that MOHAA should have setup during installation, or am I to create these on my own? It seems like they need to be created (bc they're not there), but how will the game recognize these folders in respect to which type of multiplayer map it is? i.e, by placing a new map within one of these folders after compiling it, does the game recognize what type of mp map it is? Or is it that once the map is compiled, it is placed within a .pk3 file in the \main directory where it is then recognized through the script language used in the pk3 file as a dm or obj map?
Next, is there another front-end gui compiler available that is better (either easier to use and/or more reliable) than mbuilder?
If anyone can help or point me to a comprehensive guide on the subject , it would be greatly appreciated.