Re: MOH:SPEARHEAD BUGS & DRAWBACKS!!! Corporal's Take. -
11-12-2002, 03:15 PM
[quote="Cpl_Punishment":cdc28]Well I've spent alot of hours over the past two days playing the new SPEARHEAD, and I just wanted to give ALLIEDASSAULT.COM my take on what I have concluded...
First of all...
BUGS BUGS BUGS!!!!! One of the most fustrating things I've encountered with MOHSH (Medal of Honor Spearhead), Is the the nasty little glitches.. and here I will catalog what I've found;
~FROZEN SERVERS~ Well by now everyone has encountered this one and know what it is.. so I'll just leave it at that... definately better be fixed by showtime!
~SILENT RIFLES~ The new Russian and British Rifle sound effects have a tendency to only work half the time... whats with this??
~UNDER THE MAP IS BACK!~ While playing the Sub-Base map, I ACCIDENTLY fell under the map while spawning... hmmm I dunno how but I did.. But no biggie here.. couldn't do much.. so not to worry...
~PLAYER MODELS MOVE TOO FAST~ First thing I noticed when I went into combat was the players were moving waaaaay too fast!!! to the point where it was impossible to use a rifle! And I'm pretty good with a rifle..
~FROZEN PLAYER MODELS~ I noticed a lack of animation in the player models at times... they would like freeze in place while running for about a second before moving again.. and sometimes player models going up stairs seem to melt into them.. possibly this is related to the speed issue above???
~GAME HANGS BETWEEN MAP LOADS SOMETIMES~ I've encountered this problem about 3 times today while playing...
~NEW TAUNTS NOT IMPRESSIVE~ heh heh okay... just my own personal rant here...
Well thats how the bug report stands so far... Hope these issues will be addressed soon! On the plus side I did like a few things about the new MOHSH, The fact you can't lean and run is nice.. I hate those gay players who Bind Strafing keys to the leaning keys... And it might be my imagination but the game seems to run alot smoother with players pinging up to 250 now.. I noticed no reduction in performance. And finally I can play Russian soldiers, and British Commandos! Love it!!
ONE FINAL NOTE: I'd love to find the programmer at EA who added the Axis Rifle Grenade... So I can rip out his fingernails!!!!! Good Lord I can already see games degenerating into a Chaotic Newbie Circus! Ack!!!
Its a demo moron not the real game. The full version has everything worked out. And that greande rifle isnt in the full version so you can quit your belly aching now.