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Mr_nStuff is Offline
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Location: California
Default 11-12-2002, 03:19 PM

Ok.. Well it's simple to take the screenshots yourself if you want to make new one's. These shots were taking within the 1st minutes of level one on single player.

Here's a couple sample screenies... I like the guy slamming the health potion alot. But he's tough to use cause that other guys knee is in the way. And both these pictures are dark.


And here's the facial expression caught on my current siggy


Alrighty! Well since {IH}Mr_nStuff has no meaning that can be put in a picture.. I just went for a serious yet goofy picture related to Medal of Honor.. Sky's the limit though..!

P.S. Don't use the underscore in my name if it looks funny.. Just replace it with a space if you have to.. And the only capital letters in my name are the M and the S.. The n is lowercase.

My ICQ is 146580869 because these boards will be lagging tell 4 in the morning...

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