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Cpl_Punishment is Offline
Posts: 60
Join Date: Mar 2002
Default 11-12-2002, 06:29 PM

The best World War II movie made?? .....


If you haven't seen it yet, Get your ass down to that video Store and rent it on the double! Excellent movie! You won't want to miss it! Story follows a group of Finnish soldiers through the brutal fighting of the Russo-Finish campaign of 1939-40

Another good film is "STALINGRAD" the German version from 1993. It's a really sad tragedy of a group of German soldiers fighting in the epic battle of Stalingrad.. It's really a sad picture, as you empathise for the men in their desperate fight the downward spiral to cling to their sanity and humanity as eventual hopelessness sets in. A very emotional picture.. I loved it.

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