Thread: Burgen
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-Waffenampt- is Offline
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Default 08-22-2001, 01:09 AM

A W.W.II Re-enactment/Living History Event is an attempt by a group of Volunteers to Portray Soldiers of Select units in a 'as obtainably realistic' and historically accurate environment as possible.

How do we go upon this? First We must appear as the soldiers we are portraying, with the correct uniforms, field gear, food, and psychical condition.

Second, we must Think in the same matter, this means researching the attitude of the Common Infantryman, recognition & knowledge of Rank and the issuing and carrying out of orders, Using as much of the Primary language of the Army you are portraying.

Thirdly, We must fight like the soldiers we are portraying, this means in depth personal knowledge of Weapons, Tactics & Field Commands.

Every one of these so called primary principals is extremely important, With intense research going down even to the stitching of the uniforms and the smallest of details.

Veterans are interviewed by Club Members, and this is the best and most rewarding part of this amazing hobby, meeting those who where actually part of this incredible time in our past.

An 'Event' is actually divided into two different classes. The First being a Public - Living History type. This means that we are there to display the lifestyle and fighting to an audience as a educational tool to bring History Alive for everyone there to see. We rarely will stage a battle for the audience, but sometimes it is requested for them to get a more interesting "Show."

The Second type is a Private "Tactical" Battle, which is not a battle the public is not ment to attend, these battles/events are made to make every member feel as if he has burred the edge of time into the past and forget anything of recent and immerse themselves in authentic surroundings. In these events, Nothing is staged or rehearse whatsoever. We Arrive at the Site, and step into character instantly.

A Typical Tactical Event is as follows:

On Friday, everyone arrives and the Campsites are formed. One Allied, one Axis on opposing sides of the battlefield. Everyone is to report in, file paperwork, and is issued ammunition and a light dinner is served. Everyone is required to have Guard or watch for an Hour during the night. Everyone sleeps in period conditions in four man tents for the Germans, and two man tents for the allies. In the morning at 8:00am Everyone is alarmed and readied, a quick breakfast is prepared and we March to the Front.

The Battles then Rage from all day, into the night and into the next day. Ground is usually bitterly fought over, and switches sides often. Food if available is brought to the front line soldiers by assigned personnel.

At the End of the Event, everyone is called into a club Formation, Issues and Ideas are discussed and dealt with, and then everyone marches back to their original rear-echelon bivouac area. Everything is cleaned up and packed up, and the Final Unit formations are held, and everyone returns to the 21st Century.

That is very, very basically it. I personally have never experienced a more enriching and amazingly interesting, not to mention Fun Hobby!
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