08-22-2001, 12:17 AM
Von Paulus - The Germans Have about 30 Soldiers, and There is always a 95% Turnout to our events. For the Americans, It they have nearly 20 Soldiers, and they also have a 95% turnout rate. Everyone is very motivated.
When the Battles begin, We are all issued a small piece of paper in our Wound pocket of out Tunic, and for the Americans, just in a pocket or whatever. We are not allowed to look as these, as they are KIA/WIA cards.
They system wounds like this, If I was moving forward, for example and was shot down by an American, I would take a "Hollywood Hit" (that means you act and fall like you really got shot, falling down, screaming, etc..) and then I would reach into my pocket and look at my Card.
My card would read any one of these choices:
1-KIA : Killed in action. You just lay there until dragged back to our lines, and then you would act as a Replacement for yourself for the Rest of the Action. But would not be able to join a battle already in progress, and you would come in during a lull.
2-WIA : Wounded in action. Then under WIA, it would tell me where I've been wounded, in the face (Blinded) the arm(s), main body, Sucking chest wound, Etc, Legs.
If I was wounded, then I would not be able to continue on fighting, Our Sani (Medic) can bandage us up and we would slowly get better as the re-enactment goes on.
That's basically it.
Vassili - If I shot at you and you were 40 yard away, with a full powder charge blank, You would know all about it. Trust me.
Sometime though hits are hard to tell, and the theory is that if you are in serious doubt about it, Take the hit because they probably did get you. And Its boosts the other sides moral, If you take a hit with no problem, then they well feel the same way about it.
On the Battlefield we try to kill eachother, but off, we are all Brothers.