08-22-2001, 01:21 AM
"why dont u guys play it as laser tag like the war games the real army has. They got tanks and choppers bazookas rifles and everything set up with lasers, but they r firing blanks. So it sounds real and u actually know if u get hit or not."
The Same reason why we Dont use Paintball Guns, The Equipement detracts from the enviroment we are trying to simulate. In Paintball, everyone would have to wear face masks, and Etc. In Lazer-Tag we would have to attach ungainly items to our weapons and wear the battery and scenor harneses.
You dont feel like you are in WWII when you are running around with stuff they didnt have. It is like running around with M-16's and wearing incorrect uniforms, and just calling it WWII re-enacting.
Trust me, It would suck very much to wear all of that crap, If we wanted to just bust caps and kill eachother off and a large hootenanny, we would just wear our nikes and play paint ball.