Vassili - You Get a Different Card Either from the Medic or when You report in as the Replacment.
If three of us are walking down a road, and one shot is fired to the sides or infront of us, Everyone would take cover, and Problably the closest to the enemy would take the hit.
Ammunition is purched at the Event while you report in. It is about $28.00 dollars (Us Currency) for a bag of 100 rounds of 8mm Mauser ammuntion.
This Hobbie is very Demanding and Expensive! A Head to toe Impression (Everything you need to meet the requirements) will run almost up to $2,000.00 Dollars for doing German, and $1,000.00 Dollars for American, and I think it is Even Cheaper to do Russian and British (Either Para or Line).
For Information & Prices of Recommended Uniforms and Equipment suppliers go to :
And For Worldwide Unit Listings: - Click on the WWII Page.
Of course, you are not expected to buy everything at once and loaner gear is given to those who are just wanting to figure out if they really want to be a part of WWII re-enacting or not.
If you are Really from Iceland, I Do not know if or if not there are Any Re-enacting Clubs in your Area. But, If you Have the Interest, and Work hard with talking to other units around the world and Reading and looking at countless books and pictures, you could start a WWII Club in your Area.