Joystick Drivers -
11-13-2002, 09:16 AM
I am no Mac expert, so bear with me. In general, the first place I recommend you look is the Thrustmaster website. I don't see it mentioned. Secondly, have you tried letting the OS auto-find the stick? These days, a lot of OS have stick drivers built in. Also, since this is Thrustmaster, and a stick, you need something more along the lines of their stickworks program than a gamepad program. Check to see if there is a Mac version of stickworks, and give that a try.
Lastly there is usually an option to set up a generic stick, assign the number of axis and buttons, etc. All of this is genral advice, but usually one or the other will get the job done for me in a pinch. (I am currently running a Saitek stick on XP, with no driver support, so I feel your pain :P)
Da Wulf