11-14-2002, 11:09 AM
You people just dont get it, how many MG's where sniped in '44? Not very many. The germans had a truck load more 42's than just 4. Not to mench'n presited Mortars and Artilery. That stuff didnt hit in 3 places, it landed everywhere! You people just do not seem to understand the amount of lead that was in the air. It was hell on June 6th. ANY allied snipers were not sniping the MG's or Axis troops; they were behind cover. One hit hurt and probably would kille them. They had to push the enemy back off the beach so any counter attacks would not push THEM back off the beach. They were not going 100 yards to two guns, they were fight for there lives, and the lives of the free world; they HAD to get to Berlin. So when you take 10 shots to the chest from a MG and only drop to 45 health, be thank full that you are able to play the game. If you do not like this realism, GO PLAY QUAKE OR UT'03!