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Anyone, trouble w/ serv showing GaySpy/In-Game Browze?
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Default Anyone, trouble w/ serv showing GaySpy/In-Game Browze? - 11-14-2002, 01:52 PM

Are server went online last night but it's still not showing in-game or on GaySpy.. Anyone else have this problem? Or know what causes it?

Here's some lines in the CFG file exactly how I-Lan added them. Everything visually looks correct. Maybe no quotes now? Or // at the end? Or it's SET and not SETA??

seta sv_gamespy "1" // lists in the gamespy master server.
seta sv_master1 ""
seta sv_master2 ""

The full version didn't come with an example server.cfg but I remember the demo having one.. (got uninstalled) I would appreciate it if someone could take a look at there server.cfg demo or otherwise, and let me know how these lines are arranged..

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