11-14-2002, 05:26 PM
Seeing all the fucking glitches imt aking this game back tomorrow. When i see someone ic ant tell if there landsharking or what. I cant even get a decent fucking shot off. All i can say is FUCK THIS GAME. When people move around i see landsharking or there bodies doing wierd ass things. I paid $37 for this game expecting it to be a good game. Well the only thing thts good about this game is SP. Im going to send EA a really hateful E mail of how this game is. Battlefield doesnt even have these problems. Unless EA comes up with a patch to fix there fucked up game im taking it back to the store. All this wait for this game and this is what i get. A POS. The things id like to do to EA's Developers would make people sick to there stomachs. Allied Assault hasnt had this many problems.