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Eiji Shinkuro is Offline
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Join Date: May 2002
Location: Sacramento, CA
Default SPEARHEAD WALKTHROUGH..NEED HELP!!!! - 11-15-2002, 12:33 AM

bigzooka: ok guys..have any of you beaten the frist level of spearhead??? I'm stuck on this part where you have destroy the tiger tank before it kills the captain...problem is the 88mm gun dosent do shit to the the thing, and it kills the captain before I'm able to get a fourth shot off.....I have tried distracting the tank myself but it stays locked on the captain and if I ventrue too far out on the path I get mowed down by mg fire....WTF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!!!!?? PLZ HELP!!!!...... >_< I notice that the wall bows up in sections, but does this have to do with anything!!??....I would greatly appreciate it if someone would tell me because I want to get back to natzi huntin...THX!! ^_^
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