Spearhead Crashing Fix -
11-16-2002, 06:02 PM
Been reading a lot of posts at Planet Medal of Honor forum about Spearhead crashing halfway through a map load. I encountered the problem the first day Spearhead came out (Wed here on the East Coast) and started looking for the problem. Found out it comes from the DasBoot map, downloadable here at AlliedAssault.com. To fix the problem remove User-Dasboot.pk3 from the MOHAA\MAIN directory and Spearhead will start working normally. All other maps have worked fine for me. There must be something in the file name or arrangement that Spearhead doesn't like. Also, reports that the Blood mod causes white squares to appear around dead bodies, though I haven't seen this one myself yet.
Hope this helps anybody having problems with Spearhead.