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Mr_nStuff is Offline
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Default 11-16-2002, 07:46 PM

For one.. DON"T BIND YOUR F2!!!!! That's the Vote No binding.. So leave that vote no! Or not.. Tired of morons not voting already though.

But.. Yes.. When you run MOHAA:SH it executes an autoexec.cfg that binds certain keys back to a default..

What I do as far as key bindings.. I've created a MULTI.CFG file in my main (mainta for spearhead ).. And I just add all my bindings to that multi.cfg...

Then I bound the PGUP key to.. bind PGUP "exec multi.cfg"

This way when I hit PGUP before selecting my weapon.. It's like it is automatically binding all the stubborn keys the way I want them.
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