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imported_Sitting_Duck is Offline
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Default 11-16-2002, 07:48 PM

I already made one, no rockets though. Its going to be running on DK666's server soon enough. It is based off of my SD Realism mod which is running on AA. He just needs to add the file to the server. Which should occur with in the next day or two. The SDR mod files are the SH files, not the AA files. Mainly because the new scripts have added features, including extra ammo.

I also extracted Malta from the Demo for multiplay. Heres the link,[url:3ccba][/url:3ccba] It took some figuring out what variouse textures were needed from the files. So its very possible I added too many. But I have run around the map and can't seem to find anything missing. If you do find some let me know.
I haven't submitted Malta to yet. I will though. Try it out here and let me know if you find anything wrong.
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