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skins in Spearhead
Ramblin Bob is Offline
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Default skins in Spearhead - 11-17-2002, 03:04 AM

I was workin gon new skins for my clan for Spearhead, namely a Russian Corporal skin and British Paratrooper. I noticeed that the skin shows correctly when you go to select it in the game, but when you viewing it through first person, the arms are incorrect, as are tha hands.

They show up as the allied pilot, and all the weapons are the allied pilots, EXCEPT for the smoke nade. It, at least, is the correct color.

I wanted to know how to get my skins to work properly, as in use the proper weapons for the character, i.e. Russian weps with the Russian skin m British with the Brit.

Thanks in advance

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