11-17-2002, 08:45 AM
I readded my mod maps and my crosshair back to mohaa/main without Das Boot map. All was well ! evil: The game ran fine no freezing or crashing. Went on Game Spy and played a couple of servers no problems. The tow maps play real well and are real fun to play on.
The only glitches that I have experienced are that the report & muzzle flash for the Enfield rifle disappear as fps decrease. I've noticed this in both SP and MP. When the fps get < 10 or 11 fps, the enfield does not sound or flash. Too bad becasue it's a nice rifle.
The only other glitch I've had happen is the medal box is full before you finish all the missions.
RD, you should be able to put together ine helluva of a server !