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-=|MwD|=-DaiShan is Offline
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Posts: 9
Join Date: Oct 2002
Default 11-17-2002, 11:41 AM

Thanks for your help but no it did not work Heres my cfg.

// Server Name
seta sv_hostname "-=|MwD|=- Clan"
seta g_motd "Welcome to Clan Midwest Domination. Visit us at"

// public info
seta "Administrator" "I-LAN Admin"
seta "Email" ""
seta "URL" ""
seta "Location" "Boston, MA [East Coast]"
seta "CPU" "Dual 1.6GHz, AMD Athlon XP w/1.5GB Ram"
seta "ICQ" ""
seta "Clan" ""
seta "Connection" "Dual OC-192 + Quad OC48"

//GameType & Map Rotation
//Is set in the map rotation file.If you want a Death match server remove the // and place the // in front of the current type.
//exec maprotations/dmrotation.cfg //Starts the server in Death Match (Free For All) mode.
//exec maprotations/tdmrotation.cfg //Starts the server in Team Death Match mode.
//exec maprotations/rmrotation.cfg //Starts the server in Round Match mode.
//exec maprotations/objrotation.cfg //Starts the server in Objective mode.
exec maprotations/towrotation.cfg //Starts the server in Tug Of War mode.

seta rconpassword "asd;jwpertjgwl'mgpioj"
seta sv_privatePassword "asdlfkh"

// Voting
seta g_allowVote "1"

// Team Play Settings
seta g_teamForceBalance "1"
seta g_teamdamage "1"
seta sv_invulnerabletime "5"
seta g_teamkillwarn "5"
seta g_teamkillkick "10"
seta g_teamswitchdelay "5"
seta g_allowjointime "10"
seta g_forceteamspectate "1"

// Max Players and Saved Private Possitions
seta sv_maxclients "18"
seta sv_privateClients "8"

// AntiFlooding Setttings
seta sv_floodProtect "1"
seta sv_flood_waitdelay "10"
seta sv_flood_persecond "4"

// Downloads and ping/rate settings
seta sv_allowDownload "0"
seta sv_maxPing "500"
seta sv_minPing "0"
seta sv_maxRate "8000"

// Health Settings
seta g_healthdrop "1" // When enabled players will drop a health pack when killed
seta g_healrate "100" // Determines how fast players heal when they use a health pickup

// Realism
seta g_realismmode "0" // Toggles realistic mode

// Fast Run Speed
// When checked, the speed at which players can run through levels is increased.
// Leaving it unchecked defaults to Medal of Honor Allied Assault's original run speed
seta sv_dmspeedmult "1.000000"

// Time & Frag Limits
seta timelimit "30"
seta fraglimit "0"
seta sv_team_spawn_interval "5" // This sets a delay in seconds between spawns. This is useful if you would like the player spawned in batches, rather than one at a time.
seta maprotationtime "0" // This sets the maximum amount of time in minutes players will spend in a particular map.
seta g_inactiveKick "500"
seta g_inactiveSpectate "120" //ammount of time someone is innactive before it makes them a spectator
seta roundlimit "0" // This sets how long each round will take, in minutes. This can be smaller than the map rotation time, but not larger.

//Master Servers
seta dedicated "1"
seta ui_dedicated "1"
seta sv_gamespy "1" //lists in the gamespy master server. Setting the second master server probably does the same thing
seta sv_master1 ""
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""

// Server Config & MISC Settings
seta sv_pure 0 (This is the defualt, it disables PAK checking - I wouldnt change it without reserach)
seta com_hunkMegs "96"
seta com_zoneMegs "32"
seta dmflags "262144"
seta g_forceready "0"
seta g_forcespawn "0"
seta g_gravity "512.000000"
seta sv_runspeed "250"

// Net Port
net_port 12203
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